I thought of writing a tutorial, so that it will be useful for others who want to do this.In this tutorial, I will show how you can program a non-Arduino AVR microcontroller like AtMega 1616A using Arduino as an ISP programmer. Program At90S2313 With Arduino Ide How To Connect ATMega.Board.txt file that is used to define atmega16 by you shows this value as 0x84.Another observation is that I could boot atmega328 using two development boards, Unio being host and Durmilanove as target board. Embedded Fuse Calculator gives different default Low fuse vales for these two MCs-(0圎1 and 0xc1 respectively.3. Signatures of Atmega16 and Atmega 16A are same.2. See More james87845 Follow Advertisement See More Recommendations could not be loaded Recommendations could not be loaded Recommendations could not be loaded Recommendations could not be loaded Go explore.How do we set these fuses, if needed, for loading the programTo write fuses, I may have to use my new knowledge of avrdude commands Sudar,My further search resulted in the following observations.1. See More Atmega 1500 Projects List- ebook - AtmegaProjects Published on AVR microcontroller projects: This section of EG Labs has interesting microcontroller projects based on AVR microcontrollers.These AVR proj.